Renata Burbulienė
Managing Strategically in the Lithuanian Automobile Sport Federation
Strategic plan of organization must include the following spheres: governance, stakeholders, human resources, finance, marketing, legal basis, public relations, support. Ambitious Strategy plan goal can upgrade the LASF role and services. Only the strategic plan for the LASF can show its strengths and weaknesses, it can help to achieve the goals not differ from its mission and values.
Strategic plan must help organization to look at itself now and in the future. It provides a common direction and goals for decision and communications. Organization must be honest about its weaknesses, strengths, threats, opportunities and to know where the organization is, where it wants to be, how it will do it, how is it doing.
LASF must have strategic plan, action plan and evaluate progress.
LASF must have strategic plan, action plan and evaluate progress. Strategic plan is a direction for the staff, board and committees, so it need to define the basic needs that organization fulfill. Only when the organization reach the aims for the period, it has successfully executed its strategy.
During the „Success“ training, in my federation occurred a problem related with managing strategically. So this case study would be about that situation in my federation, which almost no ended as a coup. It was a very difficult situation and I had it to control. During the „Success“ training the knowledge gained gave me the knowledge of how to solve the problem and what the federation has to do that in the future this problem could be avoided. The main solution to the problem was to create the strategic plan. I presented the strategic plan to the LASF Board and raised the necessity of the question later to the LASF member congress and told for all how it could help manage the crisis and how it will help us to carry out coordinated actions in achieving federation goals. Now our federation is in process of Strategic plan developing. So it has been assumed that strategy plan helps to avoid crisis inside federation.
Managing Marketing in the Lithuanian Automobile Sport Federation
The Lithuanian automobile sport federation (LASF), as each organization, one of the objectives is growth of incomes who is one of the main guarantees of achieving its objectives. LASF brand (logo) is not a product- it does not have the value of sales. So it is therefore important to create products that are useful and bring both commercial and corporate benefit the organization. Marketing like a story and the LASF must do everything that sponsors want to become part of the story. They need to find something in the story close to themselves, in product mission and values. That to develop a story of product, it must be draw up marketing plan and strategy. Only in this way can ensure efficient product development.
Marketing is still the weakest link of the organization and it is not exhausted opportunity. The case study will help LASF to form a championship as a product attractive to sponsors and sell it.
Theme analysed using analysis method that will show how the product appears on the market, what are the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of product. What are the responsibilities of each body of the organization, that the product would be developed.
It has been assumed that championship as a product is the best what the organization could sell and in addition it will be benefited the Federation.