Karolína Kříženecká

Managing Human Resources in the Czech Fieldhockey Federation


The Czech Fieldhockey Federation has 1456 registered players within 17 clubs. We have only four paid employees (two executives and two coaches). The rest of the personal staff are volunteers and some external paid services. High amount of daily work doesn´t allow the current professional employees to work and think strategically. And volunteers are people with limited time and there is low pressure on their performance.

In this case study I suggest as first to change the mindset and invest to professionals. It is the best investment for the organization, because successful organization needs high motivated and experienced people. Currently we invest more to the national teams and youth, but we miss leaders for development of high performance organization, which would be strategical oriented on more target groups – inside and outside.

In the study, I used two comparative graphs – the current personal organigram and the new organigram. The new organigram does not show the ideal situation, but the real situation, that Czech Fieldhockey Federation can afford at present. The new structure is based on six staff members (instead of the original 4).

The two new employees have to clearly define strategical and financial tasks, which were still in the background and Czech Fieldhockey Federation did not pay the necessary attention to them. We would like to keep the current employees and work on their motivation and personal development. Also we have to start working strategically with short-term and long-term volunteers.

The change means among others increasing the personal costs of the organization about at minimum 52 000 euro per two persons/year = 11% of current overall budget.

It has been assumed that the Czech Fieldhockey Federation has to look for spendings in budget and start immediately with new job descriptions and headhunting people. Responsible for this task is the board (president plus heads of departments).

If we don´t change our HR strategy and we don´t start work with more professionals, we lose slowly our position at the Czech sport market with all consequences.

Managing Marketing in the Czech Fieldhockey Federation


The Czech Fieldhockey Federation has 1 456 registered players within 17 clubs and in the Czech Republic we belong to smaller sports. One of the main problems is a low number of members and the associated little awareness of sport. One of the solutions of this problem should be better communication to the public and strategical marketing towards different target groups.

There is no marketing strategy with clear goals in the CSPH yet, that´s why this case study shows some basic and theoretical steps, how to make a Marketing and Communication strategy.

The study is based on SWOT analysis and includes also a definition of seven basic target groups. CSPH will start to work strategically with two of them – parents / friends / current players (inside the sports) and teachers / schools (outside the sports). The main aim is to win for our sports 350 new members (especially kids) in a year.

We will use this communication channels: websites, FB, promotion activities in the clubs, promotion activities at schools, schools tournaments.

Currently CSPH employs one external junior person for MarCom activities. The content of the MarCom is oriented on pre- and post-communication of our events and activities without any strategical approach. This often causes, that the communication activities are not interconnected and we don’t use their potential.

CSPH has given MarCom activities an important position as needed. Because MarCom activities have a big impact on finding new members, resources and sponsors. MarCom helps to increase the awareness and good image of the sports. MarCom is measurable.

From June 2017 till March 2018 we prepare the MarCom strategy and then we will begin with its fulfillment.

It has been assumed that the current budget for MarCom activities is only 4% of the federation´s budget. The plan for the next year – to increase this amount up to 10%.

I am convinced that thanks to a strategical approach we will achieve the desired results, which we can measure already at the end of the year 2018.


Karolína Kříženecká

Coaches Development Coordinator

Czech Fieldhockey Federation


Podskalská 378/33, 128 00, Prague, Czech Republic
