Mirjana Bošnjak Kobaš
Organising a Major Sport Event in the Sport Association of Vinkovci
The Sport Association of Vinkovci has got a vast experience in organising medium sized weekend long sport events. It is well known fact that the organisation of sport events has multiple benefits, so there’s a great motivation for its organisation. The motivation also risen when Croatia became a part of the European Union, which meant that the EU co-financing became available, along with other economic activities, income from tickets and tv rights. Major sport events also encourage construction of sport venues, that later on serve to the local sport, and strengthen the position and reputation of a organiser. The current weaknesses of the major sport event organisation are manifested through: lack of employees, volunteers, experience, number of participants and funds allocated from the city budget, which is the only source of funding for the Association. The economic crisis has contributed to a lower level of interest by the sponsors and donors for the support of sport events. Because of the aforementioned issues, the image of Vinkovci as a “sport city” is slowly fading away, and the sponsors and donors are not showing interest in co-financing sport, regardless of the ascending trends in Croatian economy; which can in time reduce the number of both male and female athletes locally.
Key words: organising sport events, main phases, main tasks, legal and operational framework, human resources, facility resources, schedule, evaluation.
Managing Human Resources in the Sport Association of Vinkovci
The Sport Association of Vinkovci currently has two employees with the required knowledge and experience for its everyday tasks. However, the scope of work has been significantly increased when compared to the last few years, and due to the lack of funds, time and motivation, the two employees are not in a system of lifelong education. Governing body members perform their tasks without financial compensation, as volunteers. A part of governing body members lack competence and knowledge. New emerging trends in the field of local sport associations demand employment of additional workers for particular expert fields, which is very hard to accomplish in lesser developed areas, where sport can’t get much needed extra funds from budgets of local governments. Education of employees and governing body members must be a priority, otherwise the Sport Association of Vinkovci might suffer from a lack of professionalism and transparency, along with a loss of trust from financial donors, partners and other members. Such environment might cause young athletes to leave for cities with more developed sport infrastructure, so the strategic planning and activities regarding human resources are crucial.
In accordance with the aforementioned issues, the purpose of this case study is to explore possibilities in reference to the existing human resources, and to determine the methods and possibilities for their education and their appointment to Association’s governing bodies, or opening new job opportunities within the Association and in cooperation with the Department of Social Activities of the City of Vinkovci.
Key words: human resource management, implementing rules and regulations, skills development, remuneration conditions