Call for Registration
We are pleased to announce that the final conference of the SUCCESS project entitled Sport Governance and Women in Leadership will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia on 13 September 2017. The host and local organiser is the Slovak Olympic Committee.
The objective of the conference is to raise awareness of the issues concerned with the access of women to leadership positions in sport organisations, as well as to contribute to a better position of women in sport organisations.
The conference will be the opportunity to present the objectives, activities and results of the SUCCESS project, as well as the guidelines for organisation of educational programmes for future female leaders in sport.
The keynote speaker will be the member of the EOC Gender Equality in Sport Commission and Vice-president of the NOC of Croatia Mrs. Morana Paliković Gruden.
Member of the IOC Olympic Education Commission Prof. Thierry Zintz will speak about the role of education in good governance and gender-related issues.
Lead researcher on the project entitled ‘Understanding and redefining the role of men in achieving gender equity in sport leadership’ Dr. Donna de Haan will present the research results and speak about the roadmap to creating gender equality in sport governance.
Participants may register by using the online registration form. Other ways of registration will not be accepted. Registrations shall be submitted until 30 July 2017.